Alphin is most qualified candidate

Published 10:29 am Wednesday, May 31, 2017

To the Editor:

I have known Rex Alphin all of his life and his grandparents before him.

I spent many weeks on Thomas Wood Trail (my grandfather’s farm), about ¼ mile from Rex’s family home (Sunset View Farm). I admired the work ethic of his father and uncle keeping their crops free from weeds and the farm well-groomed. That work ethic has been passed on to Rex, whether it be farming, business or his several public service positions.

Rex is part of a family with the desire to perform public service (His grandfather served as Windsor’s Mayor and an aunt and uncle served as members of town council.)

While serving as vice mayor of Windsor, and Rex as chairman of the Isle of Wight Board of Supervisors, we met concerning several subjects. I found him to be knowledgeable, calm, honest and always listening to everyone’s concerns, even when there was a lot of different opinions, Rex would seek the best solutions for everyone’s benefit.

Rumors are circulating that one candidate for the Delegate of the 64th District has received a big percentage of their campaign donations from outside the 64th District. True or not, I don’t know. It would be disappointing to learn that any candidate in the 64th District is being financed from outside sources.

Other candidates may be well versed in one subject (e.g. Education) through their occupation, but none have the experience of an elected official such as Rex Alphin. His years of service on the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors has exposed him to most issues that he will need to address as Delegate of the 64th District.

His leadership ability and experiences in serving the local government and numerous other boards make Rex the best candidate for Delegate of the 64th District.

Please join me in voting for Rex Alphin for delegate of our district.

Wesley Garris