Why they hate him

Published 10:48 am Wednesday, July 19, 2017

by Susan Brown

As the drumbeat to oust President Trump reaches near fever pitch, it is important for all fair-minded Americans to understand if that happens, America as we know it is finished…done.

Late last year, liberals were so close to their goal of destroying America they could almost touch it. They smelled the sweet aroma of victory in the distance, believing Hillary Clinton would carry across the finish line the torch that Barack Obama lit, then use it like a flame thrower to incinerate what remained of American values. They were that close.

And then Donald Trump happened.

Now, media organizations as saturated in leftism as a urine-soaked puppy training pad broadcast non-stop anti-Trump propaganda.

The hypocrisy of the Fourth Estate is astounding.

Commentators inebriated with their mission to take down Trump had zero interest in aggressive “gotcha” journalism when Obama was in office. They covered for the Obama administration’s culture of deceit from beginning to end.

They protected their smooth-talking president when his White House manufactured lies about what really happened in Benghazi and other scandals. They covered for him when Obama repeatedly promised Americans that everyone could keep their doctors and healthcare plans and looked the other way when Obama said there was “not even a smidgeon” of corruption — while an IRS investigation was still in process.

They took their guy’s words at face value when folks like former Secretary of State John Kerry bragged Obama’s administration helped “broker a deal that successfully removed 100 percent percent of all the chemical weapons from Syria.” Then, it was “mums the word” when Syria later executed a chemical weapons assault on its citizens and it became known the they trusted the same Russia they are now obsessed over to broker the transfer of Syria’s banned weapons to the international community.

Now the media is supposedly “digging for truth about collusion with Russia” while they use the dirt they shovel to cover over that Democrats likely colluded with Ukraine. As left-leaning Politico reported earlier this year: “Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump… they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisors.”

In 2014, a Fox News poll found that 81 percent of Americans believed that Obama lied at least “now and then” on what they interpreted as “important matters.” That is stunning. Regardless, to this day they continue to worship him because he moved them closer to their ideological goalpost.

Obama was a smooth-talking liar who, like them, would love nothing more than to hand over America’s sovereignty to the United Nations. His view that the U.S. Constitution was a “living document” soothed the souls of those who wish to ban free speech and gun rights, and eventually do away with the U.S. Constitution because they view it as an irrelevant racist rag.

The violent protests post-Trump election, show us they hate all things traditionally American, as well as the rule of law, absolute truth, Judeo-Christian values, capitalism, personal achievement, the Ten Commandments and about anything right of left.

And Trump. They hate Trump. Which means he is doing something right. Trump was them, except for the “R” at the end of his name, and he is using their rules to win the game. Something no other Republican was willing to do, although it was necessary to save America. America was on life support and establishment Republicans and “Never Trumpers” were happy to kick the ball down the field a little longer while whistling Dixie. Trump has accomplished more for America and the Republican Party in his first five months than any normal Republican president could do in eight years. Yet, they are still whistling Dixie.

Trump broke through the veil which separated Americans from hearing the truth. His tweets skip over the middleman and land in the laps of Americans, most of whom no longer trust media organizations like CNN as reliable, but as “fake news.”

Trump’s refusal to take part in the left’s political correctness assault against free speech means normal Americans get to hear their president give voice to things many of them think (sans the saltiness) but were afraid to say.

America is again respected globally, thanks to Trump’s alpha male presence and innate leadership on the world stage which commands the respect Obama so severely lacked. Some world leaders may not particularly like Trump, but they cannot help but respect him. They once again recognize America as a leader.

America is coming back. She is on the rise, and we can only hope and pray she stays that way, despite the attacks on many fronts by those who hate him.

SUSAN STAMPER BROWN lives in Alaska and writes about culture, politics and current events. She is a regular contributor to Townhall and The Christian Post. Susan’s nationally syndicated column is published in scores of newspapers and publications across the U.S. She writes about politics, culture and media and was selected as one of America’s 50 Best Conservative writers for 2015 and 2016. Contact her by Facebook or at writestamper@gmail.com.