City to buy E-911 generator
Published 9:41 am Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Franklin’s City Council voted 6-1 to buy a new emergency generator for its E-911 Emergency Communications Center during its meeting on Monday evening.
City Manager R. Randy Martin said that the generator, which is estimated to cost $202,523.92, will be purchased via the city taking on debt service, which will be repaid using funds saved via the city’s energy efficiency project. He added that the energy efficiency project involves converting the lighting and HVAC systems to more energy-efficient options, and to use the resulting electric bill savings to pay off the debt incurred for the upgrades.
By purchasing the generator as part of the program, the city can secure the debt service before the close of their borrowing window, Martin explained. Councilman Greg McLemore was the dissenting vote on the matter.
The council also voted unanimously to appropriate $125,196 to the city’s general fund, stemming from unspent carryover funds from the previous fiscal year ($117,833), a Litter Control Grant ($1,243) and a Justice Assistance Grant ($6,120.) This budget amendment also included the appropriation of $2,728 to Smart Beginnings’ fund, $34,482 to the city’s Foundation Grants Fund and $27,244 to the Airport Fund, all from each fund’s unspent carryover from the previous fiscal year.
The council also discussed a proposal by Kim Mark, CEO of Southampton Memorial Hospital, to offer a medical clinic during Senior Services’ luncheon programs at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center. She said that the clinic would be offered on a trial basis on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.m and would provide a physician to do limited medical assessments to Franklin residents of all ages. Marks added that should the trial clinic prove successful, she plans to negotiate with Senior Services to offer the clinic permanently at the Hayden Village once renovations are complete. If made permanent, the clinic would be open four days per week.
The council voted to hold a public hearing on the matter, which is required by law when considering leasing a city property. The hearing will be scheduled for Monday, Oct. 23, at 7 p.m., in the council chamber of city hall.
The council also voted 6-0, with McLemore abstaining, to accept a bid by Glover Farms Partnership to farm a plot of land in the Pretlow Industrial Park. The city had previously put the matter out to bid and received six responses.
The lease specifies $145.20 per acre per year for a four-year term, bringing the city just under $25,000 in revenue each year. Glover will take possession of the field on Oct. 1 and pay the city $20 per acre for the remainder of the current planting season, for a total of $3,500 by Dec. 31.
The council concluded by going into closed session to discuss nominations to send to the governor’s office for a new gubernatorial appointee to the Southeastern Public Service Authority Board representing the city. Following their closed session discussion, they voted unanimously to nominate Sheryl Raulston, Bill Scarboro and Clyde Johnson. The city is allowed to submit up to three names for consideration, though only one will be chosen, and must do so by Dec. 31, at which time their current representative, Edward Williams, will step down.