Resident says supervisors ignore voters
Published 11:57 am Saturday, November 18, 2017
To the Editor:
The people of the county shouldn’t be surprised by the BOS’s vote to give money to the Cypress Cove Country Club. No matter how much opposition to a subject, the BOS will vote the way they want. Look at the past: trash fee, industrial park outside of Franklin, sand pit, solar panel farms and now the money for the country club. All these topics had much opposition and recommendations against, yet they still voted in favor for them.
People’s opinions don’t count with this board. Our local board is corrupt as the federal government. They all think they know what is best for us.
To the supervisors: You have destroyed the landscape and valuable farm land of the Boykin’s area.
To the county residents: No use in voicing our opinions. They don’t matter!
Robbie Hasty