Farmer says James Pope is best choice for sheriff

Published 11:30 am Saturday, June 23, 2018

To the Editor:

On July 24, all the citizens of Isle of Wight County have an important choice to make. As a local farmer for 49 years I understand the importance of dedication, leadership and work ethic. While formal training and attending numerous courses are to be commended, what good is all that training if it is never put to the test? At some point the “rubber must meet the road.” In my opinion, that candidate is Lt. James Pope. Lt Pope has shown the practical, logical experience and professionalism to lead the Sheriff’s office. I have seen Lt. Pope on many occasions over the years throughout county working with deputies to resolve a situation.

As a local farmer, on many occasions we often must move large pieces of equipment on the highways. When I have called the IOWSO, each time I was transferred the patrol division supervisor, which is Lt. James Pope. I personally want to thank Lt. Pope and his outstanding patrol division for supporting the farming community [as] moving equipment on Route 460 can be extremely dangerous. He has proven himself as a professional commonsense leader who has worked with me and my crew to move equipment safely. He has personally directed traffic as we moved equipment. I do not recall any other high-ranking Sheriff’s office person doing that.

Again, as a local farmer, I completely understand dedication, hard work, community leadership, professionalism and commitment. Lt. James Pope has all those traits and more. Please vote for James Pope of July 24.

Terry Hedgepeth
Zuni Virginia