There are angels among us

Published 10:44 am Wednesday, December 12, 2018

To the Editor:

On a typical weekday morning, I get my 4-year-old grandson ready for school. Then his father picks him up and takes him to school. This particular morning was no different than any other. Or so I thought.

On Monday, Dec. 3, I experienced the most terrifying moment that I have ever had in my life. That afternoon around 3, I received a phone call at work saying that I must get to the school immediately because my grandson Chantz was unresponsive. I jumped in my car and headed to school to see what was going on. I arrived in front of the school to find there’s an ambulance about to carry my grandson, accompanied by his parents, to the hospital.

As soon as we got there the doctors run multiple tests to find out what caused Chantz to collapse inside the classroom. The doctors narrowed it down to him having a febrile seizure caused by a spike in body temperature from an infection. The results from a battery of tests showed that his body was fighting off strep throat, which he showed no signs of having prior to all of this.

By God’s grace and mercy, pumping him full of antibiotics and a few days at home, Chantz is doing fine! Our family would like to thank each and every one of you for the outpouring of well wishes and prayers. A special thank you to all the angels that surrounded my baby on that day, which include the paramedics from Franklin Fire and Rescue; the staff at Southampton Memorial Hospital and Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, S.P. Morton Elementary School staff, secretary Paige Drewery; school nurse Beth Gillette; teachers, Tessa Blow, Wanda Blythe, Jessica Little and Principal Phil Griffin. May God bless all of you.

Loretta Lomax