Let’s recognize challenges, work to solve them

Published 12:03 am Saturday, May 18, 2019

To the Editor:

The City of Franklin has overcome a number of significant obstacles over the last 20 years including a devastating flood and the closure of several major employers. Those events do not define the City of Franklin and neither will the recent article run by USA Today regarding the City of Franklin. Our city has its fair share of challenges but City Council, the business community, religious leadership and citizens at large are all coming together to face these challenges head on.

The City of Franklin is a resilient community with committed and caring citizens that contribute to the fabric of our community. Our Downtown area is thriving, new businesses are investing in our community, unemployment is at 4.3 percent, and we are headed in the right direction.

This negative publicity is an opportunity for us all to evaluate how we can work together to make this city a better place for all citizens. Franklin City Council will be hosting two Town Hall meetings at the Paul D. Camp Community College Workforce Development Center on [Thursday,] May 23 and [Tuesday,] June 11, both at 7 p.m. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us to share your vision and suggestions for the future of Franklin.

Let’s recognize our challenges, develop a plan to solve them and celebrate our successes as a community.

Amanda C. Jarratt

Franklin City Manager