Staying fair for all candidates

Published 11:03 pm Friday, October 25, 2019

Perhaps many of you are still thinking about whether or not to send in a letter of support for a particular candidate in this year’s election. We strongly recommend you make your decision this weekend, and if still inclined to write, send in your support by no later than Tuesday morning in time for publication this Wednesday, Oct. 30. That will be the last day that The Tidewater News will print letters promoting candidates.

As always, we do this to be as fair as possible to those men and women seeking public office.

If someone were to write a letter making a last-minute accusation against a candidate, we would allow that person to respond in defense. That option would not be possible were letters, or even columns, permitted to run the Sunday before Election Day.

That said, we suggest you refrain from any potential mud-slinging and instead focus on the positive attributes of the candidate(s) of your choice. Name calling helps no one.

If feasible, please email the letters at