IOW stimulus funds to go to roads, sidewalks
Published 1:01 am Saturday, March 21, 2009
Isle of Wight County was recently allocated approximately $826,000 in transportation funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The projects approved for funding include preventative maintenance at Route 460, 644 and Route 10 at Owen’s Estates, sidewalk repairs on Church Street and throughout Smithfield, flood prevention at Route 258 and installation of traffic calming devices at intersections throughout the county.
The Hampton Roads Metropolitan Planning Organization announced the amounts of funding allocated to local jurisdictions and projects chosen at a regional meeting on Wednesday, said Supervisor Stan Clark, Newport District, at the Board of Supervisors meeting on Thursday. Monies were distributed to MPO members based on population.
In view of the continuing economic decline, a proposed boat docking fee of $500 at Tyler’s Beach, which had been referred to the department of parks and recreation for further exploration in January, was tabled for consideration until January. Staff members were directed to continue collecting information on the proposed fee.
The public hearing of the county’s capital improvement plan yielded little input from citizens. School board member Herb DeGroft, the single citizen who signed up for comment, proposed to the board that the items listed in the plan be prioritized based on their energy usage.
At the suggestion of Vice Chairman Phillip Bradshaw, the board decided to postpone voting on the plan until the next meeting, which will take place after a board budget work session.
The plan totals $72.5 million, and proposed amendments would authorize reallocation of unused funds from capital projects.
The board will also discuss the school board budget at its next meeting, which is scheduled for April 2 at 5 p.m.