Dog from Hunterdale was loved

Published 8:09 am Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dear Editor:

I used to live in Southampton County. My family and I had a dog that chased trucks until one day he caught one. I wrote about that silly dog in The Tidewater News and how my kids would miss him.

A nice lady from Hunterdale read my letter and called me to offer us a stray puppy that happened upon her property.What a bundle of fur. “His name is Calhoun,” she told me.

That was in 1993. For more than 15 years, Calhoun was the absolute best dog we ever had. You know the one dog that comes along in your lifetime? That was Calhoun.

The lady and her husband who parted with him may not be around anymore, but if they are, I just wanted to tell them what a special dog that puppy grew up to be. I would have fought anyone for him. He was never away from us at any time and watched my babies like a hawk.

He could balance himself on an 8-foot privacy fence if he heard their voices on the other side.

Man, we sure loved that dog. So, thank you, Lady from Hunterdale.

Cheryl Robinson

Fort Worth, Texas