She recommends Financial Peace class

Published 8:06 am Saturday, January 24, 2009

To the Editor:

As I made a trip to the post office, I noticed a sign outside Franklin Baptist Church on High Street announcing Financial Peace classes by Dave Ramsey.

Several years ago I attended one of these 13-week Financial Peace classes. Not only did I learn about budgeting household expenses and paying off debt, but I realized that Dave Ramsey had put together probably the most complete information I have come across concerning investing, insurances, self-employment information and consumer relations/advocacy.

I would encourage readers to go check out these classes, whether you are in tight financial situations or just want to know more about finances in general. I went to a Financial Peace class in Norfolk held at a church that I did not attend. I do not attend Franklin Baptist either, just so readers do not think I am self-promoting.

These classes changed my life, the way I view my money, my business, and I have been able take my Financial Peace kit and pass the information along to other friends and family.

Dawn Yurkas
