City to hold hearing on SPSA
Published 10:37 am Wednesday, January 21, 2009
FRANKLIN—Another public hearing to discuss the preliminary proposal of the Southeastern Public Service Authority to raise tipping fees from $104 to $245 a ton will be held tonight at 7 in City Hall.
Franklin residents will soon pay an increase of $20- $23 more per month for municipal solid waste collection if SPSA goes through with its plans.
Councilman and SPSA board member Barry Cheatham asked the council to call the hearing after citizen complaints that a similar session held Dec. 29th was poorly advertised.
Cheatham has said the city was “looking for ways not to pass along the entire” amount.
Cheatham and other SPSA officials, including SPSA director Bucky Taylor and SPSA’s executive counsel, will be on hand to explain SPSA’s current problems and field questions surrounding its proposed solution.
Cheatham said he is trying his best to keep residents informed about what’s happening with SPSA.
“This is a fine time for citizens to raise whatever questions they may have. It’s also an opportunity to learn why we have taken the actions we have decided to take,” Cheatham said.