Candidate thanks supporters

Published 3:17 pm Tuesday, November 25, 2008

To the Editor:

Now that the election is over and people have had a chance to get back to their regular routines, I’d like to say a very heartfelt thank you to all of those who supported me throughout the campaign for Isle of Wight Commonwealth’s Attorney.

Specifically, I owe much to the following: my husband, Michael, Taunya Waxham at Artzy-One Studios, Bob and Hallie Scott, Steve and Wendy Smith, David Bouchard, the crew of Ganar!, Herb DeGroft, Lou Codega, Robin Hiddeman, Julia and Carlos at the Olde World Tea Company, Joel and Hu Na Bradshaw, Tim Bradshaw and BKTG, Pat & Sydney Wilkins, the Wilson Family, Moses Pollard, the Blount Family, Shirley McGee, Judy Brown, VFW PostNo. 8545 (thanks for the decaf, Marty), and the many, many others who donated of their time, resources, and moral support.

I also extend my deepest appreciation to the 6,142 people who voted for me.

The citizens of Isle of Wight should consider themselves fortunate for having a choice in any election. While I am disappointed in the result, the people have spoken and I am willing to live with that.

Erica Jong once said, “If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” I will continue to practice criminal law in Isle of Wight and throughout Eastern Virginia with a “glint in my eye” and “fire in my belly” which all of my clients and counsel who oppose me know are marks of a good attorney. I look forward to serving the people of Isle of Wight in that capacity in the years to come.

Jennifer T. Stanton
