Rewarding nursing assistants
Published 8:17 am Friday, June 18, 2010
East Pavilion, the nursing home at Southampton Memorial Hospital in Franklin, recently treated its nursing assistants to limousine rides for National Nursing Assistant Week.
Moses Wyche of Capron brought two limousines to the center and also gave rides to residents.
East Pavilion resident Carol Lowe has been taking care of the vegetable and flower gardens there. She planted tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, sunflowers, peppers and more.
Once harvested, some of the vegetables may be used for a cooking class held twice a month at the nursing home.
Resident Steve Edwards, who worked in the garden last year, continues to do so this year.
Got word that Jenny Baugham, the daughter of Garry and Debbie Baugham of Boykins will be using her artistic talents to promote the 2010 Candlelight Christmas Tour’s 25th anniversary in Murfreesboro, N.C.
An art student at Chowan University in Murfreesboro, Jenny has created a rendition of the Hertford Academy as it would look decorated for the celebration.
Murfreesboro Historical Association will host the event Dec. 9 and 10.
Franklin businessman Tim Bradshaw was a judge for the Mrs. Virginia United States pageant on June 5 at Kimball Theatre in Williamsburg.
Moore Pageant Productions asked Bradshaw to judge; Bradshaw’s company, Insercorp, provides website design services for Moore.
“It was an honor and privilege to be one of the deciding factors to pick the next Mrs. Virginia,” he said. “I thought it would be interesting.”
Bradshaw thought winner Angela Whittle of Danville was well qualified.
“I learned a lot about putting on a pageant and I met a lot of great people and made a lot of new friends,” Bradshaw said.
First runner-up was Mrs. Alexandria, Eileen Lopez Vega, and second runner-up was Mrs. Reston, Sheri Jenkins.
From nearby, Mrs. Norfolk, Tenisha Dotstry, and Mrs. Virginia Beach, Katie Barrie, competed.