#8216;Terrific Tuesday#8217; at S.P. Morton

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 14, 2007

It was definitely a Terrific Tuesday for all of the students at S. P. Morton Elementary School Dec. 11.

With about 50 presenters in the building sharing their talents, hobbies, interests or jobs, the students received first-hand information and hands-on activities during each Terrific Tuesday session, which included alpacas, Philippine cuisine, Franklin High School HOSA’s Squeaky Clean, ultimate Frisbee, S.W.A.T., Prime Media Productions, Hercules/Eastman/GEO plant - Science-It’s Amazing!, quilting, snakes, Emergency 9-1-1, karate, modern dance, fire safety, gardening and carpentry with Lowe’s, to name only a few.

Terrific Tuesdays are part of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model program, a program that is offered in Franklin City Public Schools.

Terrific Tuesdays are general exploratory activities designed to introduce students to new and interesting topics not normally found in the regular school curriculum. S.P. Morton’s Enrichment Team, composed of staff, faculty and parents, invite members of the community into the school two times each year for Terrific Tuesdays.

The community members come ready to share their expertise and/or hobbies during a 45 minute presentation with a small group of students.

Since sessions are intentionally based around students’ interests, the students are totally immersed in the session in which they attend.

Terrific Tuesday is a powerful tool for bringing the community into our schools, exposing our students to members of the community, and introducing our students to ideas and talents they might not otherwise be exposed to in a regular school environment.

If you have a particular hobby or career that you would like to share with students, contact Liz Burgess at S. P. Morton Elementary School (562-5458).

A program for the middle school, called Fabulous Fridays, offers the same exciting opportunities to our middle school students.

If you are able to share your talent with the middle school students, contact Patti Rabil at J. P. King Middle School (562-4361).