Southampton County needs Pope in office

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 19, 2007

To the Editor:

The challenges and complexities of managing Southampton County are great.

With a budget in the range of $50 million, hundreds of employees, the demands of state/federal agencies, etc., our supervisors and administrators have very demanding jobs.

Kay Pope, the challenger for the board position from our district, offers a rare opportunity to us.

Kay is a county native, educated in county schools. She was a student at Campbell University and Pan America School of Business. Her work experiences of 30 years involved:

n Personal involvement in creating and managing a budget of $18,000,000

n Human Resources (personnel) management over several hundred employees

n Detailed involvement in the administration of the total complex of the Southampton Department of Corrections

With this background, Kay Pope, can provide analysis and leadership in addressing the many issues that face our Board of Supervisors in the foreseeable future.

Please give these facts serious thought and Vote Smart in November.

Charles B. Settle
