Together, crime can be defeated

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I am a citizen, resident and small home-based business owner in the city of Franklin.

As most decent citizens of our city, I am concerned with the rapidly increasing violence and crime that is on the rise in our community, neighborhoods and city.

I am reaching out to all law-abiding, decent citizens of Franklin to assist our overworked and understaffed police department in taking back our streets and bringing peace of mind back to our neighborhoods and homes by soliciting concerned citizens to form neighborhood civic leagues and crime watch groups to help the police department and ourselves combat the illegal and immoral activities that wish to hatch and grow amongst our

homes and our children.

I don’t have all the answers, but you do and I hope you will contact me so that we can begin to organize to assist the police in any way they suggest.

Gregory J. McLemore
