City’s plan for growth making sense

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Franklin Planning Commission proved that it’s keeping an eye on expansion and development while trying to keep the expected increase in traffic manageable.

On Thursday, the commission took two votes that could change the look of two portions of the retail section of Armory Drive.

In one vote, the commission approved a plan from the owners of Kentucky Fried Chicken/Taco Bell to demolish the facility and build a new eatery about twice the current size.

If a business believes it can double its size while still operating that business in a sound fashion, the city should be lending a hand at every step along the way.

It appears the only snag in the discussion of the restaurant site concerns the entrance to the expanded property. Commission members were right to argue that making a left-hand turn onto Armory is getting dangerous and will become more so as more building and expansion continues.

The other vote involved a more far-reaching topic, that of the Transportation Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.

Specifically, the planners voted to suggest extending Stewart Drive from College Drive to Councill Drive, including the 60-foot right of way through Brandywine to Stewart Drive to help open up more commercial property and ease traffic flow on Armory Drive. Obviously, the significant and immediate retail growth area within the city limits will continue to be Armory Drive as it approaches Route 58.

Both votes serve as sensible long-range considerations.

City Planner Amanda Crocker said it is necessary to update the chapter to accommodate the growth, as it has increased residentially and commercially.

And with that growth comes traffic, not to mention a greater strain on the city’s infrastructure and services. But proper planning for that growth goes a long way to eliminating headaches before they ever get started.