Morris missed forum because he was out of state

Published 3:35 pm Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I was at the Walters forum on Oct. 27, and Rick Morris was not there because he was in Florida defending one of his clients, which was explained to everyone and that Rick Morris was on a plane trying to get back in time for the debate.

He did not make it back in time.

You might want to ask Mr. Barlow when he was asked about any jobs that he had helped to create in the 64th District, he replied that he would have to think about it. We never did get an answer.

You might also want to ask him why he totally misrepresented the Castle Doctrine and all the police that were there from the sheriff’s department of IOW, the Windsor police, the Franklin police and the Smithfield police were all dumbfounded by Mr. Barlow’s answer, which was wrong.

Mr. Barlow is a lawyer like Mr. Morris, and I guess he should know the law. You might also want to ask Mr. Barlow why the NRA, VCDL and other Second Amendment and hunting organizations in Virginia refuse to support Mr. Barlow and support Rick Morris.

You might also want to ask Mr. Barlow why he voted against the state’s balanced budget especially after Mr. Barlow told us that night it was illegal not to have a balanced state budget. I have yet to figure out that answer from him.

You might want to ask Mr. Barlow why he voted for a toll on the James River Bridge or why he voted for convicted felonies to work in nursing homes or convicted felonies to include those who distribute child pornography to work on school properties.

So if this the type of representative that the gentleman who wrote the article titled The phantom candidate wants, then all I can say give me a Rick Morris any day as all I have seen from Mr. Barlow are half truths and a do nothing record for the 64th District.

Richard G Vaught
