Why I am voting on Nov. 8

Published 4:01 pm Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The upcoming election on Nov. 8 will be one of the most crucial that citizens of Southampton have realized in many years.

There are many reasons for voting, but I think the reasons for voting in this particular election stand out more than others. Some reasons for casting a vote for change in this election are enumerated as follows:

• Southampton’s indebtedness exceeds $69 million

• Each citizen of Southampton would incur its share of the debt to the sum of
$3,700 each

• Personal property taxes are the sixth highest of Virginia’s 95 counties

• Real estate taxes ran 17th highest of Virginia’s 95 counties
• Taxes have increased five of the last six years with another increase in 2012

While these reasons are enough to vote for the change necessary to sustain our Southampton way of life, there are also other reasons. Some of these are found below:

• The Turner Tract is a weight on county taxpayers. It is roughly 14 percent of the
total debt and will cost over time approximately $17 million or three times its
initial cost.

• Purchase of IP’s woodland building at an exaggerated price has not aided in debt

• Construction of an oversized waste water treatment plant will cost taxpayers
close to $2 million (a tax increase of 2 cents per hundred in 2012.)

• Hiring practices at all levels have very little oversight of the board. Duties that
could be shared throughout departments were assigned to new employees at extra
costs to the taxpayers.

• Supervisors ignore requests for more oversight of School Board funding and
rubber-stamp requests from the School Board for funds. Therefore, any member
who is employed by the School Board should excuse him/her self from voting on funding for the School Board.

• Recent allegations that a member had a negative impact on a perspective
industrial employer who was going to bring several jobs to the county. When
confronted about this issue, board members denied knowledge of it.
• Regarding the construction of a new Route 460, this board went against the
wishes of its constituents and voted 6-1 to write a letter of approval for the project
to VDOT.

The list could go on and on. As for me, I do see a need for change. Four candidates have publicly pledged the change taxpayers so desperately want.

A vote for Barry Porter (Franklin), Bruce Phillips (Capron), Dr. Alan Edwards (Jerusalem) and Glenn Updike (Newsoms) will bring the change we seek.

So, you now know why I am voting on Nov. 8. Will you join me?

William W. Worsham

Berlin District