Morris has appeared at other forums

Published 7:59 am Thursday, November 3, 2011

I read your article criticizing retired U.S. Navy Officer Rick Morris and wonder why.

Mr. Morris has been at every forum, state fair, community rallies and candidates forums since he started his campaign. In fact, Rick Morris asked Bill Barlow on numerous occasions to debate him one on one and got no reply from Mr. Barlow. I have to wonder why? Is it because he does not want to debate his record or the issues?

I cannot blame Mr. Morris for not responding to newspaper calls for interviews about Mr. Barlow’s and other personal attacks over trivia issues. I know the paper may favor incumbents and liberals like Mr. Barlow, but as a resident of Isle of Wight, I honestly cannot remember when Mr. Barlow has done anything for us or Western Tidewater, other than promising to push for an unnecessary new seat belt law as his so-called “top priority” next year.

In fact, I can’t remember when Mr. Barlow ever created a job or helped an industry to move into the district, a top priority for Mr. Morris and Gov. McDonnell who just announced a major new industry moving to Isle of Wight.

I have seen and heard both Mr. Barlow and Mr. Morris, and it is a no contest. Mr. Morris is a positive, take charge, willing to listen type of individual, and Mr. Barlow is the classic good old boy type who does nothing for the improvement of the district. Witness his lack of efforts when the International Paper plant closed.

Sorry you missed Mr. Morris on his non-stop campaign to all the people of the district, but suggest next time, go to the forums and such. As a 22-year Navy Officer and Iraq veteran, Mr. Morris has a lot to offer and Mr. Barlow doesn’t.

As a fellow veteran and thirty year Air Force Officer, I will be voting for Rick Morris and the change we sorely need as will everyone else I know.

Bill Coburn
