Girls’ day out

Published 8:23 am Friday, April 16, 2010

Best friends Kelsey Simpson, 7, and Savannah Stevenson, 6, both of Holland, got the royal treatment last week.

As a spring break treat, Kelsey’s mother, Debbie Simpson, took the girls to Tj Nails in Franklin to have their finger and toe nails painted.

“It was my daughter’s request,” Debbie said. “She needed her toes done to look pretty in her new flip-flops.”

Kelsey received leopard print flip-flops for her birthday on March 24.

Kelsey and Savannah are both in first grade at Southwestern Elementary School. They belong to Spirit All Stars, a cheerleading team in Suffolk which travels to places like Williamsburg and Busch Gardens.

Savannah is the daughter of Eddie and Melinda Stevenson. Kelsey’s father is Jamie Simpson.

■Christine Hill and her husband, Wayne, were surprised to find a stump in their Willis Road yard in Franklin shaped like a heart.

After having several trees cut down last week, the heart-shaped stump remained. They plan to keep it.

“Is that not amazing,” Christine said. “God loves all around us and we just have to open our eyes and heart to see it.

■Tidewater News employees treated former community editor Cynthia Britt to dinner on Wednesday for her 25 years of service with the company.

Cynthia received a watch as a gift.

She started at The Tidewater News as a part-time mailroom employee, stuffing advertising inserts in newspapers. Cynthia was promoted to a part-time position in the composing room, where news articles and advertisements were pasted up for printing. The position eventually turned into full time. Cynthia worked in composing for 20 years.

In 2006, she was moved to the newsroom, where she took care of the church and society news, obituaries, calendar of events and designed news pages on the computer.

Since leaving The Tidewater News on Jan. 11, Cynthia said what she misses most are her co-workers.

“We’re all like a little family,” she said.

What Cynthia misses least are the 10- to 12-hour production days, including an all-nighter to get out the Letters to Santa issue one year.

Cynthia is the mother of Jhaquel Nicholson, a senior at Franklin High School who will study visual communications at ITT Tech in hopes of becoming a Web site designer.