
Area seeing good year for crops

So far, Western Tidewater has experienced a good year for its wheat, peanut, cotton and corn crops, said ...


Good, bad and ugly — Senate passes Farm Bill

The Farm Bill, which helps set the nation’s food, farm and rural policy, passed the U.S. Senate on ...


PDCCC employee to retire

JoAnne Russell, executive administrative assistant to the president at Paul D. Camp Community College, will retire on Friday, ...

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Re/Max Now

Name: Ron Cornwell Name of business: Re/Max Now Street address: 1580 Armory Drive, Franklin Phone number of business: ...


Early summer crop tour held

About 75 farmers, extension agents and research scientists participated in the early summer crop tour at the Tidewater ...


Zoots dry cleaning opens drop-off

Debbie Daughtery, owner of New Life Resale Boutique on 111 E. Second Ave. in downtown Franklin, is now ...

Land Transfers

Land transfers

Southampton County City of Franklin Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Amanda Blankenship, 313 Fairview Drive, $135,000 ...


Eradication of boll weevils continues

Since 1996, the southeastern area of Virginia remains essentially free of cotton boll weevils. But vigilance is necessary, ...

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Robin Fuhrmann

Name of person featured: Robin Fuhrmann Name of business: Old Oak Lawn & Landscape Street address: 1121 Old ...


30 years at Nottoway House

Collin Pulley, who started making deliveries for his parents’ business and worked his way up to general manger, ...

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