Breaking News Archive

King, Republican federal candidates lead big in Southampton

Eleven of 11 precincts are now reporting in Southampton County, with provisional and post-election ballots outstanding, and Natalie ...

Breaking News Archive

Kaplan, Democratic federal candidates dominate in Franklin

Six of six precincts are now reporting in the city of Franklin, with provisional and post-election ballots outstanding, ...


UPDATED: Kaplan, Democratic federal candidates lead in Franklin

Electoral results are coming into focus in the city of Franklin, with five of six precincts reporting. Paul ...


Registrar offices estimate length of election night

Officials from the registrar offices in the city of Franklin and Southampton County hope to conclude their duties ...


Franklin City Public Schools project timelines highlighted

Franklin City Public Schools Assistant Superintendent of Operations Dr. Clint Walters provided the Franklin City School Board on ...


Heck selected to community investment training cohort

Franklin Southampton Economic Development Inc. President and CEO Karl T. Heck was one of 25 community leaders selected ...


Millfield Road crash sends three to hospital

A single-vehicle crash occurred Friday afternoon, Nov. 1, in Southampton County, sending three individuals, including two juveniles, to ...


Virginia Market News Service weekly ag brief – Nov. 1, 2024

Virginia Market News Service reported the following weekly ag trends on Friday, Nov. 1: In Virginia, state graded ...


Windsor seeks new planning and zoning administrator

The town of Windsor has begun advertising its open planning and zoning administrator position and is accepting applications ...


Barnes named Franklin’s new finance director

New Franklin City Manager Rosylen Oglesby introduced to the Franklin City Council on Monday, Oct. 28, the city’s ...

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