
Luria, Kiggans debate in Smithfield

U.S. Rep. Elaine Luria, D-Va., faced off with her Republican challenger, state Sen. Jen Kiggans, at an Oct. ...


Summit on Rural Prosperity speakers tout charter schools, regional partnerships

Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears touted parental choice and charter schools as this year’s keynote speaker at the ...


Virginia 2nd Congressional District candidate Q&A: Jen Kiggans

Editor’s note: Congressional candidate Jen Kiggans submitted answers to questions No. 1-3 when running in the June Republican ...


Virginia 2nd Congressional District candidate Q&A: Elaine G. Luria

Name: Elaine G. Luria Age: 47 Place of birth: Birmingham, Alabama Education: U.S. Naval Academy, Bachelor of Science, ...


SCPS partners with VCU to address teacher shortage

The Southampton County School Board voted 7-0 on Oct. 10 to form a partnership with Virginia Commonwealth University ...


Cheroenhaka Indian Tribe holds revival

The Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe of Southampton County recently hosted its fifth annual Native American Revival, Crusade For ...


Southampton County land transfers — September 2022

The following land transfers were recorded in the Southampton County Circuit for the month of September: 107 N. ...

Southampton County

Raifords to hold family reunion Oct. 22

The Raiford family reunion will be held at the Bronco Club on Saturday, Oct, 22, from 11 a.m. ...


Parental Rights Resolution adopted by Southampton County Board of Supervisors

The Southampton County Board of Supervisors voted 5-1 on Sept. 27 to adopt the Resolution in Support of ...


Camp to launch sports management program

Camp Community College will launch a Sports Management Career Studies Certificate program starting with the 2023 spring semester.  ...

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