
Franklin Walmart celebrates remodeling

The Franklin Walmart Supercenter at 1500 Armory Drive held a grand reopening event on Friday morning, Nov. 1, ...

Breaking News Archive

King, Republican federal candidates lead big in Southampton

Eleven of 11 precincts are now reporting in Southampton County, with provisional and post-election ballots outstanding, and Natalie ...


Registrar offices estimate length of election night

Officials from the registrar offices in the city of Franklin and Southampton County hope to conclude their duties ...


Franklin City Public Schools project timelines highlighted

Franklin City Public Schools Assistant Superintendent of Operations Dr. Clint Walters provided the Franklin City School Board on ...


Barnes named Franklin’s new finance director

New Franklin City Manager Rosylen Oglesby introduced to the Franklin City Council on Monday, Oct. 28, the city’s ...


Boykins candidates speak at forum

The Boykins Candidate Forum on Wednesday, Oct. 23, offered a prime opportunity for citizens to learn more about ...


Portrait honors retired Judge Alfreda Talton-Harris

By Almeta Davis Contributing Writer Courtland, VA – On Oct.18, 2024, the newly renovated Courthouse in Southampton County ...


SCPS seeks job-ordering contract for health building

Southampton County Public Schools is seeking to build the Student Health & Education Building through a job-ordering contract ...


Board to continue pursuit of forensic audit

The Southampton County School Board’s counsel sent a letter to the county administrator Sept. 19 indicating that there ...


SCPS superintendent’s contract extended

The Southampton County School Board voted Oct. 14 to extend the contract of Southampton County Public Schools Superintendent ...

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