
It’s just fashion, isn’t it?

Did you hear the one about the woman who’s petitioning Target to stop selling shirts that she believes ...


Anybody home?

Did you feel it? The suspense? That’s the emotion which has been building over the past few weeks ...


Don’t throw out the baby

Although I regularly title this column “Just My Impression,” today I might as well take intern Walter Francis’ ...


Time travelers dwell among us

Following the Memorial Day service at Boykins, I ventured into town and viewed the mini-museum that’s just been ...


Service in life, battle worth honoring

This past Sunday I witnessed the Memorial Day service at the cemetery in Boykins where, I observed, there ...


How could Virginia lose? I picked them to win!

Don’t let the devil-may-care look in my column photo fool you, ladies and gentlemen. I’m a loser.


Confessions of a sports novice

You might have noticed in the sports page on Wednesday the picture of some weird-looking middle-aged man with ...


My new diet plan

As I hope many of you have read by now, but for those of you who haven’t, Windsor ...


Who has time to sleep?

Times like this are when I truly envy bears and other creatures that can hibernate. What bliss it ...

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Delegate reintroducing accountability bill

A bill that would give power to local governments to remove people appointed to boards or commissions at ...

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