
Common sense in short supply

This past week, when it was revealed that two Suffolk seven-year-olds were given two days’ suspension from school ...


Whole is greater than sum of its parts

There are any number of clichés that speak to the fact that teamwork often gets us farther in ...


How do you solve a problem like Councilman McLemore?

When I was young, one of my favorite movies was “The Sound of Music.” My great-grandmother had been ...


A legacy of leadership

As I sat through Thursday night’s annual meeting of the Franklin-Southampton Area Chamber of Commerce, I was reminded ...


At the end of their rope

There’s an old adage that if you give someone enough rope to play with, they’ll typically wind up ...


Dr. Seuss opened doors

It’s not every day I get to start my day with Dr. Seuss, but I did on Friday ...


The fox and the hen house

I find it intriguing that anyone would embrace the model employed for selecting a school board in Southampton ...


A problem we can’t afford

Someone told me years ago that if you’re going to successfully work together as a team, everybody has ...


Doing responsible thing

I can speak from personal experience about the realities of under-funded schools.


What would you like to see?

If I have learned anything about the newspaper business, it is that the old adage about only pleasing ...

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