
The best of both worlds

“What’s it like having two lives?” That was the first of many questions my 13-year-old cousin Jamey asked ...


Profiting off tragedies

Today’s news media love to inundate their viewers and readers with stories of the various murders, robberies and ...


Are we really Southern?

Virginia occupies a strange place in the Union. We are located below the Mason Dixon line, but a ...


SOLS need new approach for testing elementary school students

Slowly but surely, the Virginia Department of Education’s Standards of Learning tests are ruining our school systems, particularly ...


Pay up or butt out

Any Southampton High School alum who took Mrs. Moore’s U.S. government course can tell you all about unfunded ...


The long road ahead

We as Southerners need to have a come-to-Jesus talk. For all our championing of history and talk of ...


Coming full circle

My first official interaction with the press occurred rather unexpectedly. When I was in the eighth grade, I ...

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