
Embracing violence not what our politics needs

The Democratic Party wants you to be so angry that you are embracing violence and ostracizing everyone who ...


There goes the neighborhood

I was never a fan of the children’s show “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” when I was a kid. My eyes ...


America’s Netflixation

For the past couple of years, I’ve put in my recommended 20 minutes of rigorous near-death exertion per ...

Your Turn

Democrats’ socialist meltdown

What a great July 4.


Journalists aren’t so different from their readers

If you stay in the news business long enough, you’re inevitably going to run into a reader who ...


Thank God Justice Kennedy is stepping aside

I have been waiting for Justice Anthony M. Kennedy to say the words “I retire,” for more than ...


The loudest holiday

Hey everybody. You know all that anxiety that’s been building up? Well, just let it go and relax ...


Confusing facts, opinions

"The Pew Research Center quiz was harder than I expected.”


Backyard fireworks with hardly any supervision

I’m looking forward to another professionally orchestrated fireworks display at our municipal recreation center this Independence Day, but ...


The photo with borderline truth

The little girl at the border with tears in her eyes. We saw her on front pages, on ...

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