Letters to the Editor

Southampton sheriff supports Pope for Isle of Wight

I have known and worked with Lt. James Pope for nearly 15 years, and in that time have ...

Letters to the Editor

Franklin — Clean and green

The City of Franklin Beautification Commission consists of Franklin residents, appointed by City Council, who are tasked with ...

Letters to the Editor

Pope’s dedication, experience makes him better candidate

This letter is in support of James Pope for Sheriff in the special election on July 24. I ...

Letters to the Editor

Pope for sheriff

I began working for the Isle Of Wight County Sheriff’s Office in 1977, retiring in 2008.

Letters to the Editor

Pope committed to Isle of Wight County

In approximately two weeks, the citizens of Isle of Wight County will have the opportunity to elect our ...

Letters to the Editor

James Clarke more qualified to be sheriff

Remember my letter about July 24, 2018, being a day that probably won’t “live in infamy” but will ...

Letters to the Editor

Retired Emergency Services chief supports James Pope

As the former chief of Emergency Services for Isle of Wight County, I was charged with the task ...


Candidate’s experience, knowledge qualifies him to be sheriff

It is with pleasure that I write to endorse James Pope for sheriff of Isle of Wight County.

Letters to the Editor

Pope always professional, respectful, knowledgeable

I would like to write in support of one of the finest men in our county. I was ...

Letters to the Editor

Candidate demonstrates qualities needed in sheriff

I have been in the law enforcement arena for more than 30 years and have had the opportunity ...

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