Letters to the Editor

Let’s respect each other’s differences

Here I am at the computer at 5:42 a.m. Why? Because I woke up thinking about the situation ...

Letters to the Editor

Let’s respect each other’s differences

Here I am at the computer at 5:42 a.m. Why? Because I woke up thinking about the situation ...

Letters to the Editor

The 64th district needs Emily Brewer as delegate

Early this year I had the opportunity to meet Emily Brewer and learn that she intended to run ...

Letters to the Editor

Pastor’s column was on point

I’ve been out of town a while and am just now catching up on my reading. I think ...

Letters to the Editor

Public thanked for supporting ministry

I would like to use this opportunity to thank all of the Franklin, Southampton and Isle of Wight ...

Letters to the Editor

Toothpaste drive an overwhelming success

Recently, Southampton Social Services asked for help with a toothpaste drive to assist children starting out the new ...

Letters to the Editor

Resident questions county support for country club

I have several questions for the Board of Supervisors about the $30,000 annual country club payment being discussed. ...

Letters to the Editor

Supervisors should not subsidize golf course

I attended the Southampton County Board of Supervisors meeting on 8/28/2017.

Letters to the Editor

Heritage Day is an important event in our lives

This past weekend my family and I enjoyed visiting the 26th Heritage Day at the Southampton Agriculture and ...

Letters to the Editor

Poor performance doesn’t merit contributions

Dear Republican Congressional leaders Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Steve Stivers and your colleague in the Senate, Mitch McConnell:

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