Letters to the Editor

The Franklin Police Department appreciates the public’s support

I guess you never really know how many friends you have until you fall on hard times. The ...

Letters to the Editor

Isle of Wight Commonwealth’s Attorney comments on Dallas shooting

The Commonwealth Attorney’s Office would like to express its deepest sympathy for the entire Dallas Police Department. We ...

Letters to the Editor

Cross-country tour renewed optimism, enthusiasm

I was disappointed to read the editorial in today’s Tidewater News [Sunday, July 10] and the front page ...

Letters to the Editor

Planning Commission’s time seems wasted

Why should the Southampton County planning commission sit through long meetings discussing the proposed solar farm if the ...

Letters to the Editor

Solving our dilemma

I’m perplexed. This paper prints an article that we’ve never been better, “When did America Stop being Great,” ...

Letters to the Editor

No public shooting range in Walters

I have lived in Isle of Wight County for 24 years. I am a home owner and land ...

Letters to the Editor

Healthy housing market supports industry

Publisher Tony Clark, in an editorial in the June 25 Tidewater News, argues for more economic and less ...


Timing for hearing is ridiculous

Dear Chairman [Dallas] Jones and members of the Board of Supervisors for Southampton County:

Letters to the Editor

Believing that desperate situations make people resort to desperate measures

To whomever found it necessary to steal the 100 pound, 4 foot by 14 inch silver cylinder propane ...

Letters to the Editor

Open letter to the Southampton Board of Supervisors

Regarding: Camp Parkway Rezoning: As a business owner in Southampton County and a resident of the City of ...

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