Letters to the Editor

GSA’s performance of the ‘Messiah’ worth writing about

As I sit back and take an occasional glance at the news or open a newspaper (local or ...

Letters to the Editor

A story about Cuba

Years ago, I talked with the son of General Fulgencio Batista from Cuba. The son told me that ...

Letters to the Editor

Boykins mayor thanks all for help with parade

To the Editor: As mayor of the Town of Boykins, I would like to thank the Tarrara Womans ...

Letters to the Editor

Obama on Cuba

The action President Obama has taken to re-establish Diplomatic Relations with Cuba is a move worthy of praise. ...

Letters to the Editor

Please bring Jesus back

Sometime between Wednesday, Dec. 3 and Saturday, Dec. 6 someone took the Baby Jesus from the Nativity in ...

Letters to the Editor

Social Services grateful for community’s generosity

Southampton Social Services was able to assist 392 families this year during the Thanksgiving holiday. This would not ...

Letters to the Editor

Running legal ads only in Daily Press violates code

Really.......applying KISS [Keep it Simple, Stupid] principle does seem so commonsense. Please.

Letters to the Editor

Small Business Saturday was a huge success

On behalf of Franklin Southampton Economic Development Inc., the Franklin-Southampton Area Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Franklin ...

Letters to the Editor

Cemetery boards asks for removal of old, dead flowers

The holy season and Christmas holidays are fast approaching.

Letters to the Editor

IOW supervisor apologizes for mistake in voting

I screwed up! I’m sorry. I was so disgusted that most of my fellow board members were requesting ...

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