Letters to the Editor

Lobbyists run the country

To the Editor: Forget President [Barack] Obama and Katherine Sebelius. Do you realize who is really running this ...

Letters to the Editor

Terry McAuliffe is Obama’s clone

The best country in the world is being destroyed by the policies of President [Barack] Obama, and his ...

Letters to the Editor

Republicans, don’t stay at home this time

It has been reported that three million Republican voters stayed home for the last election, the consequences of ...

Letters to the Editor

Delegate explains why he is voting for Ken Cuccinelli

For more than a decade Ken Cuccinelli has dedicated himself to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia. ...

Letters to the Editor

Ken Cuccinelli defends our Constitutional rights

In the wake of the Navy Yard shootings by another crazed loner, gun-control zealots are again rushing to ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks to craft show volunteers

To each of you in our wonderful community and surrounding areas, thanks so much for the support you ...

Letters to the Editor

Be sure you’re registered to vote on Election Day

Nov. 5, 2013, is Election Day, and voting in all elections is important.

Letters to the Editor

Why is education important to me?

Hello, have you ever just wondered why education is so important? Well I have, and this is my ...

Letters to the Editor

Integrity of delegate’s opponent called into question

I am very disappointed in the conduct of Delegate Rosalyn Tyler’s opponent in the 75th House District Race. ...

Letters to the Editor

Buddy Poppy campaign benefits veterans in need

Members of Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary will be distributing Buddy Poppies in select areas of ...

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