Letters to the Editor

Texting at stoplights no solution

To The Editor: Okay, it looks like because of texting while driving, municipalities/the State etc are going to ...

Letters to the Editor

Schools should be fully funded

If you go by the comments by a majority of the Southampton County Board of Supervisors at there ...

Letters to the Editor

Consumers are protected

Recently, Thomas H. Council, Jr. wrote a letter to the editor asking for help for consumer protection for ...

Letters to the Editor

Wage a war on meat-based diet

The new link between meat consumption and heart disease, discovered by Dr. Stanley Hazen of the Cleveland Clinic, ...

Letters to the Editor

Grateful to PETA for all their help

As I write this, my dog, Penelope, is lying by my feet. She has one less leg than ...

Letters to the Editor

Boykins Lions will sweep through Boykins

On Wednesday April 17, the Boykins Lions Club members will have a door-to-door broom sale starting at 6 ...

Letters to the Editor

Make use of unused farmland; help feed families

We travel to Franklin, Va., several times a year to visit relatives. We take the Courtland exit of ...

Letters to the Editor

More important matters for Supreme Court

I believe DOMA, Defense of Marriage Act, was hastily crafted by Congress and signed into law by sitting ...

Letters to the Editor

Do as I say, not as I do

I normally watch television to be educated, informed, enlightened, etc. and seldom to be amused by satire, comedy, ...

Letters to the Editor

City-county partnership deserves support

The groundbreaking at the AMAC site just west of Ivor on Route 460, underlines the importance of economic ...

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