
A response to the essay on freedom

To the Editor: I write to comment on an article that appeared in the Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021, ...


What are our options?

To the Editor: Anyone paying attention to current events has to be concerned for our nation and our ...

Letters to the Editor

Open schools full time

I wrote a letter to the SoCo Superintendent of Schools, the principals and to the school Board members. This ...


An essay on freedom

By Ash Cutchin Two years ago I had a discussion with an old friend (since high school) about ...


Your newborn and their social security number

By Lizna Odhwani Getting your newborn a Social Security number is important for their future. If your child ...

Letters to the Editor

Pulling together moves the story ahead

Thankfully, there are enough diverse people in Franklin and Southampton County who want to tell a different and ...

Letters to the Editor

We all lose

To the Editor: These are trying, troubling times if you love your state and nation. How have the ...

Letters to the Editor

Dealing with changes requires adaptive skills

To the Editor: I have frequently been surprised that I failed to hear anything about most school shooters ...

Letters to the Editor

Legalization of recreational marijuana is wrong

To the Editor: Virginia is now poised to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. For many years decisions ...


Grateful for work of foodbank

Food insecurity is a longstanding issue in Western Tidewater, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated the issue. ...

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