Court Dispositions

Court Dispositions

Isle of Wight County Circuit Court Shawn Lee Ruffin of Smithfield, four years in prison, eight years probation, ...

Court Dispositions

Court Dispositions

Garry Glen Moore of Hampton, driver’s license suspended for one year, two years probation and recommended for Virginia ...

Court Dispositions

Court Dispositions

Isle of Wight County Circuit Court Garry Glen Moore of Hampton, driver’s license suspended for one year, two ...

Court Dispositions

Court Dispositions

Isle of Wight County Circuit Court Willie Carol Fowler of Courtland, three months jail, two years probation and ...

Court Dispositions

Court Dispositions

ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY Donald Christopher Watkins of Smithfield, two years and six months in prison, indefinite supervision ...

Court Dispositions

Court Dispositions

ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY Donald Christopher Watkins of Smithfield, two years and six months in prison, indefinite supervision ...

Court Dispositions

Court Dispositions

ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY Circuit Court Reed Corvin Ramsey of Ivor, five years probation, suspended driver’s license for ...

Court Dispositions

Court Dispositions

Isle of Wight County Circuit Court   Calin JamesLee Otis of Cranston, R.I., one year prison, five years ...

Court Dispositions

Court Dispositions

Isle of Wight County ROBERT BRANDON POWELL, Smithfield, $821 in costs, six years probation, $8,750 restitution for two ...

Court Dispositions

Court Dispositions

Southampton County Circuit LEORNARD WEST JR., Franklin, $1,557 in costs and five years probation for destruction of property ...

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