Let’s start a chain reaction

This is our community and each of us has the power to shape it for the better. While there are big issues that we have been tackling as a community and a nation, such as policing, CRT and so on, let’s not forget that sometimes it’s the small things that can also make a difference and create real change. 

Each day we have the opportunity to rise up and actively choose to look for ways to make a difference. We can pay attention to what is happening around us and see if there is a way we can help make someone’s day better. 

It could be as simple as holding the door for someone or noticing the young girl at the library who is trying to check out a book to get her GED but can’t because she has fines. If we are paying attention and looking for ways to make a difference we could decide to pay the library fine.  That is a win win situation friends. The young girl gets the book she needs to help herself, the person paying the fine (you) gets to feel all warm and fuzzy inside for doing a good deed, and hopefully someone else will be influenced by your actions to look for ways they can make a difference. A good chain reaction in the making. 

Imagine what our community would be like if each of us rose in the morning and actively spent the day looking for ways to make a difference. It doesn’t take money or power, just awareness and the simple good heartedness to reach out and help where there is a need.  Makes us smile just thinking about it. 

From the moment we rise to the moment we lay down in the evening our community is filled with opportunities to make a difference. We challenge you to actively purview your world and look for opportunities to be nice. Notice the people behind you and hold the door for them, smile and say good morning to everyone you pass on the street, next time you are at the drive through surprise the next customer by paying for their order. Enjoy the feeling that comes from a simple act of kindness. 

Instead of division and separation, let’s start a chain reaction of niceness and inclusion in our community and see just how far it will spread.
