Virginia 2nd Congressional District candidate Q&A: Jen Kiggans

Editor’s note: Congressional candidate Jen Kiggans submitted answers to questions No. 1-3 when running in the June Republican primary. The Tidewater News submitted an additional four questions on Sept. 12 for an updated candidate questionnaire ahead of the Nov. 8 general election. The Tidewater News attempted to contact Kiggans’ campaign by email on Sept. 12, Sept. 28, Oct. 4 and Oct. 7, and by phone on Sept. 29, Oct. 4 and Oct. 10, but did not receive responses to questions No. 4-7 by press deadline.

Name: Jen Kiggans

Age: 51

Place of birth: Tampa, Florida

Education: Bachelor of Arts in International Relations Boston University. Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Old Dominion University Nursing. Master of Science in Nursing, Vanderbilt University Nursing  

Occupation: Adult Geriatric Nurse Practitioner

Number of years living in 2nd Congressional District: 20 years

Faith affiliation: Catholic

Current or prior elected offices held: current state senator (Virginia 7th State Senate District)

  1. Can you briefly summarize why you decided to run for the Republican nomination in the 2nd District Congressional race?

As a state senator, I have seen firsthand the dangers and insanity of a liberal one-party rule and how Democrat policies devastate our economy and hurt working families. As a Navy pilot, mother and nurse practitioner, I believe I am uniquely qualified to tackle the serious issues facing our country and deliver conservative results that will make our country stronger and more secure. I am the only candidate who has what it takes to beat Elaine Luria and help Republicans regain control of the U.S. House majority.

  1. Who is your political role model? Why? 

President Ronald Reagan — I have always admired his ability to unite people behind a common cause and serve as a leader who actually delivered on his promises to the American people. Right now, we are represented by a congresswoman who has made empty promises on the campaign trail and completely abandoned her constituents once she got to Washington. It’s time we sent a leader to Congress who will bring our country together by focusing on the issues — not divisive politics. 

  1. How should Congress address the inflation and supply chain shortages that have been affecting the nation and world over the past several months? 

First and foremost, we must stop the out-of-control, trillion dollar spending bills and the Democrats’ socialist agenda that will only lead to more taxes and less savings for Virginians. By cutting spending and prioritizing workforce development, we can address labor shortages, increase production and supply that will have a significant impact on inflation levels moving forward. But above all else, the most important way to address inflation is by passing fiscally conservative policies that put more money in the pockets of Virginians and the American people and less money in the pockets of big government.

  1. What are your thoughts on the FBI’s search of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and the Department of Justice’s investigation of his handling of government documents?


  1. Have federal COVID-19 relief funds, including the American Rescue Act, been spent wisely by local governments in the 2nd Congressional District? Why or why not?


  1. What, if any, federal abortion legislation is needed?


  1. Whom will you support for speaker of the House if elected?



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